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50 Architects You Should Know

$ 19.95| £ 14.99 (* recommended retail price)

Now available in a new edition, this introduction to fifty visionary architects traces the major aesthetic movements over the past six centuries and offers concise portraits of the geniuses behind them.

Starting with the Renaissance, this accessible and lively survey takes readers around the world and through history, from Filippo Brunelleschi through Antoni Gaudi to Frank Gehry. Double-page spreads feature full-color illustrations, informative sidebars, and a timeline. A concise and accessible architectural history, this book is a fascinating look at the enormous variety of ways architects have helped define their eras.

Paperback, Flexi-cover, 160 pages, 19,3 x 24,0 cm, 7.6 x 9.4 in, 145 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-8340-8
US April 03, 2017
UK March 01, 2017
Status of delivery: This title is available.