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Géraldine Elschner

Where Is The Frog?

A Children's Book inspired by Claude Monet

With illustrations by Stéphane Girel
Recommended age group: 4 +
$ 14.95| £ 11.99 (* recommended retail price)

Based on the beloved series of water lily paintings by Claude Monet, this children’s book draws readers into the atmosphere and colors of Monet’s garden at Giverny, where a lovely but vain frog tries to insert herself into the artist’s work.

Original Title: Où est passeé la rainette? Claude Monet à Giverny
Originally published by: Elan vert
With illustrations by Stéphane Girel
Hardcover, 32 pages, 24x32, 32 color illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-7913-7139-9
US March 09, 2013
UK February 16, 2013
Status of delivery: This title is available.


Géraldine Elschner

Géraldine Elschner is the author of numerous books including "The Cat and the Bird" and "Where is the Frog" (both by Prestel). She lives in Heidelberg. ZAÜ is a French illustrator, born 1943 in Rennes.

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